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Itinerary Management

The judiciary and legal authorities are widespread geographically. The significance of this lies in the fact that when a lawyer travels outside their usual place of operation, they bring not just unique beneficial offerings not common to the region they are travelling to, but they also bring practical operating knowledge of the branches of the justice system that they regularly locally deal with.

NETWORKING OPPORTUNITY: Out-of-station trips not done on personal time, can be maximized for network growth and the opportunity to understand your target market better, while also introducing your practice far and wide. With a little planning, law practices may be able to achieve between 3-5 new introductions a day on an average, during such trips and potentially make the flight cost extremely easy on the arteries!

MYTHS AND FACT: It is misconceived to think that professional code of conduct bars lawyers in any way from fostering new personal connections. These practice growth trips are, rather, an extension of legal research to better understand business pain points and improve their service delivery. If you ask our opinion, any worthy service provider is obliged to better their services to solve as far and wide as can, and that result cannot be achieved in the echo chamber of their own practice chamber.

FOCUSED EXECUTION: For law practices targeting a trip anywhere between 20-90 days down the line, we help them be prepared with a full calendar of meetings in the city they are travelling to, their line of introduction to specific groups of people being met with – based on our market research about demand-supply trends in that region, the Bar Council of India (BCI) compliant branding kits which they will carry, calendar management and corporate communications for an efficacious ordering of meetings to reduce commute time, among other services.


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As a founder of a boutique firm , I drive comfort from investing in a plan which adds certainty and efficiency to our scaling efforts. Lawfinity Solutions’ guarantees were put to the test when early in this journey I embarked on my first international practice development trip. Prachi gave me a clear vision for my itinerary and goals, and even though the trip came up at short notice and in the duration of a slow week due to two widely observed festivals in that week, her team ensured the trip was executed per the vision. They are not afraid to go beyond the scope to implement creative, customized processes and tools at short notice. The result – a highly productive itinerary bringing home new relationships and mandates.
Vidhan Vyas
Founder, Vyas Legal