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Fresh perspectives on traditional marketing, for a traditional sector, done unconventionally!

Email Networking & CRM

Client relationship management (CRM) is a straightforward practice proliferation tool in the arsenal of every law practice, regardless of size or age. For a profession heavily reliant on referrals and introductions to scale services and reach, lawyers cannot afford to keep communication pipelines dry with their existing network of clients. It is not enough to stay on top of their mind with respect to the next actionable in the ongoing mandate. Lawyers owe it to themselves and the clients to keep them informed of other relevant things they are able to serve on, where and how they are recognized and commended, and what is their practice development vision.

MEANS OF RECALL: Similarly, other professional relationships that have already been nurtured, should be able to recall a law practice in time of need, or when being asked for referrals in general. This memory recall is not possible in today’s saturated world without a deliberate effort to reach said relationships with relevant content.

BALANCED EMAIL NURTURING: However, the content needs to strike a balance. It needs to be persuasive without being intrusive, and it cannot appear to be so template driven and non-personalised that its written off as salesy and pushy, without offering value. On the flipside, a busy law practice has a few hundred key relationships to manage, if not a few thousands, and curating many personalized conversations is time taking and not feasible per the expected results.

PROPRIETARY TECH SUPPORT: This is where our in house, custom-built, CRM list system predicts which conversations to curate with which groups of the nurtured network, in order to nurture them further into reverting to the law practice with queries. We have high-sensitivity to even accidentally touching the realm of unsolicited communication. We deeply understand the leverage that a law practice would rightfully like to maintain with respect to sharing its sought after expertise.

MYTHS AND FACT: It is only half-fact to say that email newsletters go straight to the trash can, without being read. If they are distributed indiscriminately like roadside pamphlets, then they will achieve their destiny as above. But mindfully designed conversation reaching through email is, to date, the fastest and least intrusive way for distant, yet nurtured, contacts to remember you. If your newsletter shows at least a 20 per cent open rate, that channel is not dead for you yet.

This is why our campaigns have high response rates, as tracked without gaps by our teams, in terms of their detailed metrics and tangible qualitative results.


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John Doe