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Fresh perspectives on traditional marketing, for a traditional sector, done unconventionally!

Branding Materials

Legal representation mandates are won on the promise of transcendent clarity of thought in respect of the client’s case. Law practice profiling brochures, pitch decks, interview profiles, short and long form partner biographies published on various platforms, newsletters, corporate videos, among others, are the first showcases of said clarity of thought. If the practice knows how to express with precision its own constitution, journey and vision in a way as to be understood by anyone consuming this information, the practice can surely understand its client and communicate well on the client’s behalf.

WHERE TO USE: Practices distribute these materials during one-on-one networking opportunities, when clients provide them referrals, when they are the knowledge partners for a event, when they are making a pitch presentation on invitation from a potential client, when they are being introduced on and off stage, when they need to refurbish some of their online presence and like such.

PERCEPTION STRATEGIES: The content in these materials benefits from striking the perfect balance between not holding back from highlighting diverse achievements of the practice, without appearing boastful. The tone should best be a mix of authority, flexibility and receptivity. And to capture content consumer attention span, it needs to keep breaking new formulas to achieve those mixes again and again without reverting to old and done formats.

CONFIDENTIALITY CONCERNS: It is important to protect the confidentiality and sensitivity around law practice mandates while speaking of the acumen, expertise and accomplishments of the practice. Which is why, our team does not allude to a pre-decided template index to be applied like a mold to all law practices. At the same time, reinventing the wheel may cost the practice the attention span of the information consumer. Our approach is to have many candid conversations to build a deep rapport with our clients before finding outfits best suited to their branding representation.


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John Doe