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John Doe


Placement, through Bytes and Authored Articles, in mainstream business news covered editorially (without sponsorships) in India’s widest circulation national business news dailies

  • Guidance on how to pick the best angles and timelines
  • Guidance on how to tone your bytes and articles for most impact
  • Social media and website re-publishing formats for PR appearances

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Assistance in selection, budgeting , tracking, crafting, filing and follow up communications [client side as well as listing side], for all applicable award submissions

  • Author pieces across industry publications and top legal directories 
  • Guidance on how to allocate budget for these long form, niche spaces
  • Crafting the piece – angling and structuring
  • Setting up post publication automations for widest reach of the published piece
  • Social media and website re-publishing formats for listings and industry pieces


Assistance in identifying target groups to directly showcase your recent authoritative PR appearances on big brand platforms

  • Assistance in planning and quick execution of timely email and webinar activity to showcase the high value PR appearance while engaging with your target gro
* TOFU = Top of Funnel. The things you create for a potential client who is not even aware of your existence
* MOFU = Middle of Funnel. The stuff you create for a potential client who has managed to start slipping toward engaging you
* BOFU = Bottom of Funnel. The steps you take to land the mandate. 
* Lazy = A smart, highly intentional lawyer who knows better than to sweat things that do not need sweating.